The Detroit Free Press recently published an article in anticipation of the upcoming Detroit Giants of Gospel show. This Friday at the Ellen Kayrod Gallery, Kelly and the world of Detroit gospel will come into focus via the work of street photographer David Clements. Titled “Detroit Giants of Gospel Music,” the photo exhibit runs through […]
David Clements & Ellen Kayrad Gallery present Detroit Greats of Gospel Music Opening April 28 2017 Exhibition available to the public through June 16 2017 Ellen Kayrod The Masters of Harmony Perform at 7 PM Led by Thomas Kelly, age 103, perhaps the oldest musician in Detroit and North America. Mr. Kelly has led […]
As Detroit continues to re-purpose architecture, especially bank buildings, the Society of Commercial Archeology – Journal ran a one page look at buildings that were once servicing nearly every major route in Detroit. Now most of the buildings are providing sites for churches and mosques, hardware and hair, or simply setting empty with beautiful cut […]
Art In Detroit Public Places Photographer: David Clements Author: Dennis Nawrocki Wayne State University Press The Detroit area is home to numerous significant works of public art in its parks, libraries, schools, and hospitals. This new and updated edition of a classic guidebook considers over 150 pieces organized by section into six geographical districts of […]
Talking Shops: Detroit Commercial Archaeology Author: David Clements Wayne State University Press Visit our online store here selection of TALKING SHOPS images for sale. Cruise down the streets of Detroit, through vast residential neighborhoods, industrial landscapes, and huge areas of open land and I still feel a vibrant and evolving city. What I have discovered […]