I did not have to travel more than a couple of miles from my Royal Oak home, heading east, to find a huge diversity in political lawn advertising. I suspect that the farther north I traveled the more diversity I’d find.
Perhaps you know that the “My Governor is an IDIOT/Pure Moron” sign is based on the Pure Michigan advertising campaign.
Christianity is always in play. “PUT GOD BACK IN SCHOOLS! OF CHOICE” is the tried and true mantra of the Catholic Church to shore up their nearly-defunct school system.
Good graphic work for the No Joe sign. I did see a ByeDon sign as well, but did not get a photo.
As if the 2020 Election were not enough, a few people felt inspired to decorate for a scaled-down-due-to COVID19 Halloween.
In one or two displays per block there was a mix of politics. The sign amidst the tombstones shows some ambiguity – is it for or against Biden/Harris?
Outspoken signs of hope – like RIPBOOKS.ORG (RIP stands for Resurrected in Prison – Helping Those Left Behind); We are Not Militant/Love is not Militant; and Black Lives Matter – were far more common than Trump signs.
The people who hung the two handmade protest signs on the fence next to their support for Biden/Harris showed their strong personal commitment to their beliefs.
Finally, I am not quite sure what to make of the “Everybody Sucks” message set next to the wonderful display of values in the “In Our America” sign I found just a couple of blocks from my home.
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Great pictures. Crazy people. Sorry the world is not saner! Paul
Yes I agree, you made great photographs. I never saw those pro-Trump signs before – wow! There will be a lot of work to do after the election to get us to not be so polarized.